Monday, August 2, 2010

What am I going to do with the squash?

Yep, folks better lock their car doors because I have got lots of squash and I pick it small!
I already grated a lot of squash and packaged it with the food saver and put it in the freezer but I suppose I can do some more.
Today Rylan (my grandson) and I dug up a row of Yucon Gold potatoes and had an interesting time. We found lavae eating the potatoes and doing a number on them at that. After some research I found that they are white grubs, the larvae of June bugs. They don't normally bother potatoes but the grubs were in the soil before we worked it into garden and found the potatoes growing around them to be good food. Four more rows of potatoes to dig when they are ready. We got about a half of a bushel of potatoes.
The mulching of gardens is going slow. I have been able to haul and spread two cartloads a couple times a week. It sure helps that we have had this cooler weather. The work is good exercise, especially for the abs, lifting forkfulls of mulch into the cart. The hardest part of the job is backing the cart up and getting it to go where I want it to go. Howard makes it look so easy!
I thank God that I found homes for all the ducklings except one and both the drakes. I was getting really stressed out aout the ducklings that hatched out (at least 24) and then I found two new nests the the ducks were setting on, AGAIN. So there are three ducks (hens) here and the goofy littly runt of a duckling that doesn't seem to be growing. I have everyone watching for a possible fourth duck that may be setting on a nest. She will come off the nest at some point if that is the case. It is also possible that something killed and ate her.
There are way too many critters in the neighborhood.We have a young racoon that is coming around and feels right at home here and I see that as trouble. Hopefully we can get him trapped and carried away. When Don and Deb came to check the corn they have planted here, they saw a good sized (maybe 200 pounds) bear headed for the garden, and Debbie went into action scaring it off . She has been salvating over this corn ever since we planted it in May!
Daisy took one of our cats and I hope he likes it at her house. The cats she brought to our house over the years sure like it here. So we are down to 6 cats which is a relief.
What a life!

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