Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thank God for Neurontin

I woke up feeling like an old woman. Too much party.
I know the Fibromyalgia is aggrevated by sugar and I sure did induldge last night (fudge,cookies, pie), so I pay today. I think I may also have a sensativity to MSG as I was eating someone elses cooking and that may have been in the spices.
We met Daisy for breakfast and I was surprise (but should not have been) to have fibro pain at 9am. So I popped the Neurontin and a pain medication that didn't kick in till about 10:30. Then later again around 3pm. I don't think I would like my life if I did not have those two drugs.
The pain was bad a church so I went into the nursery and rolled on the floor with a baby and chatted with the lovely couple asigned to the nursery today.
I was able to return to the auditorium in time to hear David Scmidt tell us about his last three months in Haiti. He is a missionary that was raised there and has worked many years at a Seminary Campus totaling more than 50 years. His wife, from our church family met him in Bible college.
I did have a great time at the DCS scholarship auction last night. I bought quite a few items, one of them a geneology done by Paster Mark.
The items I made for the auction were a hit. Marion won the bid for the gold bag and gave it to Phyllis, God bless her! and I had a woman tell me today how delighted she was with the denim pillows her bid won.

We have gotten some much needed rain but with cool weather. The gardens were desperate for the moisture. I need to figure out how to post pictures here. so much to learn, so little time.

There were several cuts of meat thawed to cook in the fridge so I have them in the pots on the stove. I also mixed up some bread using the whey I had left over from making cheese this week. It is raising nicely and I am curious to see how it tastes.
Howard had to have some candy so I melted some chocolate and mixed it with peanuts for his lunch this week.
Laundry going too. Busy day for a Sunday!

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